Statement of Faith
The Scriptures
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired of God and are without error in the Originals.
We also believe that God, who inspired sinful men to write His Words down in the Originals without error, was and is powerful enough to move upon sinful men to preserve those Words without error in the manner that he intended us to have them.
In other words…We believe in the Providential Preservation of the true Word of God, as well as the Providential Inspiration of the Word of God and that the purpose of the preservation is to preserve the infallibility of the Inspired Original Text.
Furthermore, we believe the Text that God used to preserve the Old Testament Scriptures is the Massoretic Hebrew Text. We believe that the Text that God used to preserve the New Testament Scriptures is the Greek Received Text, commonly called the Textus Receptus. Furthermore, we believe the 1611 Authorized King James Bible is the Bible that was translated into English from the Massoretic and Textus Receptus Texts. Therefore, the Bible that we use for all matters of Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and Instruction in Righteousness is the King James Bible, God’s Infallible Preserved Word. 2 Tim. 3:16,17, Psalm 12:6,7, 2 Peter 1:21, Psalm 119:89.
We believe that in order to understand the Bible, you must rightly divide the Word of Truth (Eph. 1:13) according to 2 Tim. 2:15. We believe that while the entire Bible was written for us, it was not all written to us, nor was it all written about us as members of the Body of Christ. Therefore, we use the Dispensational method of Bible study. That is, we distinguish between things that differ from things that are alike.
We believe that while God Himself never changes He does change His methods in dealing with men in different Ages or Dispensations. And we believe that a failure to Rightly Divide that which is written to and for the Church is the source of much of the confusion in the Church over matters of Doctrine and Practice.
We pay special attention to the Books of Romans through Philemon, believing that these are the books that are written not only for us, but to us and about us as members of the Body of Christ. However, this is not to say that we do not preach and teach out of the rest of the Bible, because we do. But we do not apply doctrine and practice out of the books addressed to Israel under the law unless they agree with the doctrine and practice found in Romans through Philemon written to the Church under Grace.
The Trinity
We believe in One God, the Creator and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth, existing eternally in three Persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Deut. 6:4,5, 1 Tim. 2:5, Eph. 4:4,5, Matt. 28:19, 2 Cor. 13:14, Rom. 9:5, Matt. 3:16,17, Rom. 8:3,4, Eph. 3:14-17, Rom. 15:30, Eph. 5:18-20, Dan. 7:9-14, 1 Cor. 8:5,6, 2 Cor. 1:21,22, Gal. 4:6, 2 Thess. 2:13.
The Deity of Christ and the Virgin Birth
We believe in the Eternal Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son: That He is co-existent with the Father; That He was before all things, that all things were made by Him and for Him.
We believe that He was begotten by the Holy Spirit, and was born of a virgin, who knew no man prior to Christ’s birth. We believe that He is all God and all man. Isa. 7:14, Luke 1:26,27, Matt. 1:18-25. (The following is a comparison of the Old Testament Scriptures with the New Testament Scriptures that show you that Jesus Christ of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old Testament, and that Jehovah is Jesus Christ. It also shows you that as the Son dwelt in the Father in the Old Testament, the Father dwelt in the Son in the New Testament. For what is said about one is said about the other, making the Son and the Father equal. (Psalms 90:1,2 – Micah 5:1,2) (Malachi 3:6 – Heb. 13:8) (Isa. 7:14 – Matt. 1:23) (Isa. 43:11 – Luke 2:11, Acts 4:12, Titus 1:3,4; 3:4,6) (Ex. 3:14 – John 8:58) (Isa. 45:18 – Gen. 1:1, Col. 1:14-17, John 1:1-3) Isa. 45:22,23 – Phil. 2:5-11) (Isa. 40:1-5 – Mark 1:1-3) (Isa. 48:12 – Rev. 1:4-8) (Isa. 42:8 – John17:5) (1 Cor. 10:4 – Psa. 78:35) (1 Cor. 10:9 – Psa. 78:56) (Jer. 17:7 – 1 Tim. 1:1, Eph. 4:4) (Gen. 17:1 – Isa. 9:6, Rev. 1:8).
We believe that man was created by a direct act of God and that he was created in the Image of God. We thoroughly reject the phoney and disproved theory of Evolution devised by the darkened minds of lost men.
We believe that man has a body, soul, and spirit. We believe that after man sinned against God in Eden, he became totally depraved in body, soul, and spirit.
We believe that as a result of sin, man was cut off from relationship and fellowship with God and not only died physically (Gen. 5:5), but died spiritually as well. We believe that all men are born into this world in a fallen condition and are sinners in word, deed, and thought. Eph. 2:1-3, Rom. 3:9-12, Rom. 5:12.
We believe that in this Dispensation of Grace, God justifies ungodly sinners by His Free Grace, upon the grounds of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, through the means of Faith. We believe that salvation in the Dispensation of Grace is unearned, unmerited, and surely undeserved on man’s part. Rom. 3:24-28, Rom. 5:1, 5:9, Titus 3:6, Eph. 2:8,9, Titus 3:5, Rom. 4:5.
We believe that the only means of salvation in this Dispensation of Grace is by trusting that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and resurrected for your justification (forgiveness of sins). 1 Cor 15:3,4, Rom 4:25.
Eternal Security
We believe that all the believers in the Dispensation of Grace have received the Atonement of Christ’s Blood for their sins upon trusting the Gospel and because of that fact, they have Eternal Security and do not have to endure to the end to be saved. We believe that all believers in this Age have an unbreakable relationship as Sons with God the Father and are sealed unto the Day of Redemption by the Holy Spirit. Rom. 5:11, 5:1, 5:9, 1 Cor. 1:8, Eph. 1:13, Eph. 4:30, Phil. 1:6, Col. 2:8-13.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person, who is co-equal with the Father and the Son. We believe that He convicts the World of Sin, Righteousness and Judgment, Baptises into the Body of Christ, Seals, Indwells, Enlightens, and Empowers all believers. 1 Cor. 2:10-12, 1 Cor. 6:19, 1 Cor. 12:13, Eph. 1:13,17,18; 3:16; 4:30.
The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
We believe in the Physical, Bodily Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the Dead. We believe that after His sacrificial and vicarious death for sins on the Cross of Calvary, He shewed Himself alive by many infallible proofs; that he ascended into Heaven as the man Christ Jesus, The One and Only Mediator between God and men; that He is now exalted at the right hand of God carrying out an unprophesied ministry as the Head of the Church, which is His Body. John 20:1-31, Acts 1:3,9,10, Heb. 9:24, Rom. 8:34, Eph. 1:19-23, Col. 2:15, Col. 1:18, Acts 13:28-37, 1 Cor. 15:1-8, Rom. 1:1-4, Rom. 4:25, Rev. 1:18.
The Church
We believe that in this Dispensation of Grace there is only One True Church, which is called The Body of Christ. This Church is not a physical local assembly, but a universal spiritual assembly made up of all those who have been saved and are in Christ, where there is neither Jew nor Greek, Bond or Free, Male or Female. 1 Cor. 12:13-27, Gal. 3:27,28, Eph. 1:22,23, Eph. 3:1-11, Eph. 4:15,16, Col. 1:18, 2 Cor. 5:17
Furthermore, we believe that the Church of this Dispensation was a Mystery hid in God from before the Foundation of the World. We believe that the Church was not made known to the sons of men, the prophets, or the twelve Disciples. We believe that it had its historical beginning with the salvation of Paul in Acts 9. And we believe that God by direct Revelation made known to Paul first of all the Mystery of this Church. We believe also that the Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, and Instruction in Righteousness for this Church is found in Paul’s Epistles, which are Romans through Philemon. 1 Tim. 1:12-16, Eph. 3:1-11, Col. 1:23-29, 2 Tim. 1:8-11; 2:2, Phil. 4:9, Rom. 15:15,16, Gal. 1:1; 2:7-9, 2 Tim. 3:16,17
Our Ministry and Commission
We believe that as Saints of God we are Ambassadors for Christ and have a ministry of reconciling Jew and Gentile unto God in One Body by the preaching of the Cross. 2 Cor. 5:18-21, Eph. 2:13-17. We therefore, believe in personal witnessing, Gospel tract distribution, or any other scriptural means by which we can preach the Gospel of the Grace of God so that lost men are saved only when they hear and trust the Gospel, and that the Gospel alone is the Power of God unto Salvation, and not religious tricks, gimmicks and schemes. Because we believe that the Gospel alone is the Power of God unto Salvation. We are quite content to sow and water the Word of God and content to let God alone give the increase. Rom. 1:16, 1 Cor. 1:17-23, 1 Cor. 3:5-7.
We also believe that we have a ministry to God’s saints. This ministry is to edify and build them up in the Faith by the preaching and teaching of the Word of God Rightly Divided. We recognize that as a whole God’s people are ignorant of God’s Word, especially that which is written to them and about them as members of the Body of Christ. We therefore, spend considerable time in teaching God’s people the Word of God from a Bible-Believing viewpoint, book by book, verse by verse. We believe that by teaching the Word of God in this way, it will enable God’s people to do the work of the ministry themselves and it will cause them to grow up in Christ to be strong, spiritual and mature believers and not children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and by the sleight of men.
We believe that the Bible means what it says, and says what it means, and that’s the way we teach it to God’s people. We do not force the Bible to say something other than what it means, and we do not force it to mean something other than what it says. We do not change the Bible to fit our system; we change our system to fit the Bible. We do not force private denominational interpretations upon the Bible, we let the Bible interpret itself. We believe that when the Bible is taught to God’s people Rightly Divided, from a Bible-Believing viewpoint, it can be easily understood and will be greatly enjoyed. Eph. 4:11-16, 2 Tim. 2:2, 1 Cor. 2:6-16, 2 Tim. 2:15, Phil. 4:9.
Civil Authorities
We believe that as Christians we should obey the Powers that be, knowing that the Powers that be are ordained of God. Rom. 13:1-5. Therefore, we do not advocate civil disobedience or lawlessness and will not be a haven for those who do. We are against the Atheistic System of Communism or any political system that denies the right of God’s people to meet together to preach and teach the Word of God without Government Restrictions. If such a system is imposed upon us, we will say like Peter in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
The Rapture and the Second Coming
We believe in the Physical Bodily Resurrection and Rapture of both the living and the dead of the Church to meet the Lord in the air. We believe that this event will take place BEFORE the Wrath to Come. Therefore, we preach and teach a PRE-tribulation Rapture and NOT a mid or post-tribulation Rapture.
We believe that this is the Blessed Hope of the Church and at this event our vile bodies will be changed and made like unto Christ’s own Glorified Body - Phil. 3:20,21, 1 Thess. 1:10, 1 Thess. 5:9, Rom. 5:9. We also believe that the Second Coming of Christ will take place seven years later at which event Jesus Christ will come with all His Saints to take vengeance upon them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; to destroy the Anti-Christ; to bind the Devil in the bottomless pit; to create a New Heaven and a New Earth; to set up an Everlasting Kingdom. 2 Thess. 1:7-10, 2 Thess. 2:7-9, Rev. 20:1-4, 2 Pet. 3:8-14, Matt. 8:11, Dan. 2:44,45.
The Judgement of Lost Men and Saved Men
We believe that all men from every dispensation will stand before God at their appointed time and give an account of themselves in judgment. Rom. 14:11,12.
We believe that the Body of Christ will be judged when it meets the Lord in the air at the Rapture. This judgment is called the Judgment Seat of Christ. 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 5:8-11, Rom. 14:10,11, 1 Thess. 2:19.
We believe that the Nations that either fight against or help out Israel during the Tribulation will be judged at the Second Coming of Christ. This judgment is called the Judgment of Nations. Matt. 25:31-46.
We believe Saved Israel that is resurrected from the dead at the Second Coming and Saved Israel that goes into the Kingdom out of Great Tribulation will be judged during the Kingdom. Matt. 19:28, Rev. 20:4
We believe that after 1,000 years from the Second Coming the Unsaved Dead are judged and then cast into the Lake of Fire. This judgment is called the Great White Throne Judgment- Rev. 20:11-15. We also believe that the Unsaved Dead at this present time are in Hell, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. They will be eventually cast into the Lake of Fire at the White Throne Judgment and there they will continue to suffer torment day and night forever. Luke 16:19-31, Mark 9:43-50, Matt. 24:51; 13:49,50, Isa. 66:23,24, 2 Thess. 1:8,9, Rev. 20:1-15; 14:10,11.